Free irrigation evaluation with the Mobile Irrigation Lab. First come, first serve. Limited to 10. Yolo County.

Mar 8, 2017

Yolo RCD has partnered with Tehama County RCD to offer free irrigation evaluations for Yolo County. There are ten evaluations available this spring. It will be first come, first serve.  Only 10 available this spring.  See attached flyer.

What is the Mobile Irrigation Lab (MIL)?

It's a service that performs on-site evaluations of agricultural irrigation systems
in order to determine the efficiency rating and the application rate. The goal of the MIL
is to give growers an overall snapshot of their irrigation system, provide scheduling information,
and give recommendations to help improve efficiency.

How does it work?

The MIL manager will contact you to schedule an evaluation. You will need to
have a representative to meet with the MIL crew for approximately 10 minutes to
provide information about the irrigation system. The MIL only requires the grower to
have an irrigation system design map or the ability to draw a sketch of pipe locations.


If interested please contact Heather Nichols at;
Yolo County RCD
530-661-1688 x12

By Margaret Gullette Lloyd
Author - Small Farms Advisor

Attached Files: